Dr Carbon art installation for Collective Encounters at the Bluecoat, Liverpool. More information on the project here: http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/index.php/four-corners-at-the-bluecoat-liverpool-july-2009
Single Cell – Six Rivers
Six Rivers was a Single Cell Collective compilation album launched in 2009. I contributed a track as Invertor, ‘Don’t Make Any Sudden Movements’ and commissioned the design and promotional work from designer Loz Ives.
UHC Collective/Ultimate Holding Company
I was a co-founder of UHC Collective, an arts/activist and ethical marketing organisation which began in 2003. I was involved as an activist researcher and artist and acted as account manager for marketing operations. I left to pursue my own projects in 2007.
Wythenshawe Forever! climate change project
Wythenshawe Forever! was a DEFRA-funded climate change campaign carried out by UHC Collective, Radio Regen and MERCi in 2007. It featured a range of creative, participatory, community-based activities addressing issues of sustainability and climate change. The project culminated with a Party Without Pollution, an outdoor celebration ‘powered’ through carbon saved during the project. I developed the project and acted as a researcher, artist and project sponsor.
Thin Veneer of Democracy table
A 16 feet, oak table, designed and built in 2006 by UHC Collective, etched with a diagram, mapping power relations between key interests associated with the regeneration of Manchester. The work sought to reveal the links between multiple interests including private sector, public sector and educational organisations. I contributed the research that formed the map.
UHC – Collective Works
UHC Collective Works is a monograph documenting UHC’s OpenCity, anti-regeneration activist art work during 2005/6. The project critiqued the housing-led, neoliberal regeneration of Manchester, identifying increasing inequality and the transfer of public assets in to private hands. I worked as an artist and lead researcher on the project. This is me with a modified shopping trolley displaying anti-regeneration propaganda messages on LED signs.
Bus Tour around ‘The Arc of Opportunity’
A UHC Collective, guided tour around the ‘Arc of Opportunity‘ a short-lived regeneration programme located in South Manchester – part of UHC’s OpenCity project.
Hulme Green Spaces campaign
A sadly unsuccessful campaign to preserve bio-diverse, green space within the Hulme area of South Manchester. The site was later developed by Manchester Metropolitan University.
Shortcutz to Manchester Zine
A collectively authored, radical guide to Manchester for students and young people.